Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tip #14: Locking Discussion Board threads

Tip: You can lock Discussion Board threads so that students cannot edit their posts or add to the thread.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to the Discussion Board area in your course. Click on the discussion forum in which you would like to lock threads. Place a checkmark in the boxes to the left of the threads you would like to lock. If you want to lock all threads, click the Go button next to the Select All drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.

After selecting the threads, click the Lock button at the top of the page. Notice that the status of the locked threads will change from Published to Locked. A locked thread is still readable by users but can no longer be added to or modified.

Unlocking Discussion Board threads:
To unlock a Discussion Board thread, place a checkmark in the box next to the thread and click the Unlock button.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tip #13: Early Warning System Rules

Tip: You can assess students’ progress in your course by creating Early Warning System rules.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to your course Control Panel and click the Early Warning System. You can add a Grade Rule, a Due Date Rule, or a Last Access Rule.

  • A Grade rule identifies when student performance is equal to, below, or above a defined level.
  • A Due Date rule identifies students who do not complete work by the due date.
  • A Last Access rule identifies the last time a student accessed the course.

Example: Adding a Grade rule
In this example, an instructor chooses to receive Early Warning System notification for every student who scores lower than a 70 on the Midterm exam. Click the + Grade Rule button and type a name for the rule. Select a Gradebook item for which you would like to be notified; in this example the instructor selects the Midterm exam. Define the criteria (e.g., less than or equal to) and the score (e.g. 70). Click Submit to save the rule.

Place a checkmark next to the new rule and click the Refresh button. Exit the Early Warning System and return to that area to view the updated page. To view a list of the students who meet the criteria, click the name of the rule. NOTE: The rules do not automatically update; you must Refresh the rules to see if any new students meet the criteria.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tip #12: Adding Gradebook comments

Tip: You can add comments to any Gradebook item.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to your course Gradebook and click the name of Gradebook item. Click Item Grade List and enter students’ scores (if scores have not already been submitted for the item). Click Submit to save the scores. NOTE: A grade must be submitted for a Gradebook item before you can add comments to the item.

Click the name of the Gradebook item again and click Item Grade List. Click the Modify Comments button next to a student’s grade. Type or paste in your comment in the Comment box. If you want the student to be able to see the comment, make sure the Is Public box is checked. Unchecking the Is Public box will hide the comment from the student. Click Submit to save the comment. Click Submit on the Item Grade List page to save your changes.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tip #11: Turning on/off course tools

Tip: You can turn on or turn off course tools in your Blackboard shell.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to the Control Panel of your course. Click Manage Tools. Click Tool Availability to choose the availability of course tools such as Email, Groups, Messages, and Roster. Click Building Block Tool Availability to choose the availability of Advanced Group Management and Add Users by Role tools. Click Content Type Availability to choose the availability of content types that can be added to content areas.

Communication tools:
You can make communication tools available or unavailable by navigating to the Control Panel and clicking Manage Course Menu. Click the Modify button next to the Communication menu item. Select the availability of the listed tools and click Submit.

Turning off tools:
You may want to turn off some of the tools that you will not be using so that students do not use those tools. For example, if you are using Email instead of Messaging, you may consider turning off Messaging so that students do not try to use that tool to communicate with you.

Want more information?
A step-by-step tutorial is available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706