Tip: You can help students reduce the chances of technological mishaps while taking exams by encouraging them to follow a few best practices. Please share these tips with your students.
Tips for instructors setting up tests can be found here.
Best Practices for Students Preparing to Take a Test in Blackboard
- Allow adequate time to take the test. Last minute testing leads to frustration!
- Do not start a test until you are ready to complete it. If a test is timed, the clock will start counting down from the moment you enter the test. If you exit the test, it will continue to count down until the test is submitted.
- Take tests during hours that the IT Helpdesk is open. This will allow you to get help quickly if needed.
IT HelpDesk Regular Hours (940-898-3971 or helpdesk@twu.edu)
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Friday - 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday - 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Do not take a test on an iPad, iPhone or other smart phone device.
- Do not take tests at public schools, hospitals, or other places of work that have heavy firewalls.
- Use only Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox to take tests.
- Disable pop-up blockers on your browser.
- Clear your internet browser cache before beginning a test.
- If a Java or certificate popup appears asking for permission, grant permission by clicking Yes.
- Do not open any other browser window or application for the duration of your test session.
- Look at the Instruction box at the top of the test for test settings.
- If Force Completion says “This Test can be saved and resumed later,” be sure to save answers regularly.
- If Force Completion says, “This Test must be completed now,” do not click Save Answer or Save All Answers.
- Do not click outside of the test—including the navigation on the left side panel in Blackboard.
- Do not click on any browser navigation such as the Back, Forward, or Home buttons.
- Do not let test pages remain static for too long. If a question needs to be thought out, be sure to make some mouse movements to make sure the browser detects that you are still active in the test.
- Do not use the scroll wheel on your mouse as this may inadvertently change answers.
- Do not double click the Save button.
- When ready to submit, click the Submit button only once. Look at the page load progress bar to determine if the submission page is loading. Wait at least 2-5 minutes for a confirmation that your quiz was received. The quiz must be sent, scored, and the results returned to you.
Note: For test security, Instructors or Teaching Assistants are the only ones who can reset tests. If you are locked out of a test, follow their procedures to request a reset.